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card backs
yrel - Hearthstone card backs
$ 29.99
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Yrel Information
Release date
August 3, 2021
Yrel description
Developers added Yrel at August 3, 2021. This skin is one of the Paladin skins. Could be purchased in the in-game store for $29.99. Players could get this inside United in Stormwind Reward Track by unlocking level 50 with Tavern Pass.
Yrel related card-backs
Prince Arthas
Prince Arthas is one of the Paladin skins. Arthas is rewarded after a player defeats the Lich King in the final Knights of the Frozen Throne single-player mission with nine original classes. The approximate cost of this skin cannot be calculated.
Uther Lawbringer
First of all, the release date of Uther Lawbringer refers to April 12, 2022. This skin is one of the Paladin skins. The approximate cost of this skin cannot be calculated. This skin can be added to your inventory after reaching level 100 of Voyage to the Sunken City without Tavern Pass.
Second War Uther
Second War Uther is one of the Paladin skins. It should be noted that there was an option to get this skin via the in-game store for 1000 coins, which equates to roughly 6.99$ in dollar terms.
$ 6.99
Admiral Liadrin
The release date of Admiral Liadrin is April 12, 2022. This skin is one of the Paladin skins. The approximate cost of this skin cannot be calculated. Players can get this inside Voyage to the Sunken City Reward Track by unlocking level 45 with Tavern Pass.
Greench Uther
Greench Uther is one of the Paladin skins. It should be noted that there was an option to get this skin via the in-game store for $24.99 in dollar terms.
$ 24.99
Lightforged Uther
Lightforged Uther is one of the Paladin skins. Win 1000 games as Paladin in Ranked, Arena, or Duels. The approximate cost of this skin cannot be calculated.
Sir Annoy-O
Sir Annoy-O is one of the Paladin skins. Besides, it's possible to buy it in the in-game store for 1500 coins, approximate price in dollars is 9.99$.
$ 9.99
Dungeoneer Cariel
The release date of Dungeoneer Cariel is December 7, 2021. This skin is one of the Paladin skins. The approximate cost of this skin cannot be calculated. Сould be found inside Fractured in Alterac Reward Track by unlocking level 100 with Tavern Pass.
card backs
deathwing - card backs
$ 14.99
Current Rating