Banshee'S Veil Information
Release date May 9, 2009
Season Preseason 1
Active Yes
Tier Legendary
Map Availability All Maps
Type Ability power; survaivability; magic resist; ability haste
Ingame Sell Price 1820
Banshee'S Veil description
The AP Edge of Night. Good against hooks and all-in, crowd control focused champions (such as Blitzcrank and Zoe), as the item provides the player with a spell shield. But it is aimed at mages, as it gives a good amount of AP and decent magic resist for a good price. How to get Banshee'S Veil
Once player have enough gold in the match, have to return to base using the B button or walking to it. Then, open the shop (either using the shop command or clicking on it), searching for the item and buiying it.