hookshot - League of Legends abilities

Current Rating

    Hookshot Information

    Active No
    Type Active
    Champion's name Camille
    Resource tagValue
    Damage tagValue

    Hookshot description

    ACTIVE: Camille fires a grapple in the target direction. If the grapple collides with terrain, Camille will dash toward and perch onto the terrain for 0.75 seconds. While perched, she gains the ability to cast Wall Dive. Camille will be knocked down by any immobilizing crowd control during the dash. Other abilities can be cast during the ability. Casting The Hextech Ultimatum will cause the grapple to disappear if it is in flight. ACTIVE: Camille dashes in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies near the landing location. Wall Dive's range is doubled towards enemy champions within 1400 units. Camille grants ghosting to non-champions she passes through for 4 seconds. Camille stops prematurely upon colliding with an enemy champion, knocking back all nearby enemy champions a short distance as well as stunning them for 0.75 seconds, while also gaining bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. Wall Dive may be also cast with movement or attack commands. Other abilities besides The Hextech Ultimatum can be cast while grappled or during the dash.

    fury of the north - abilities

    Current Rating
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    CS Virtual Trade Ltd, reg. no. HE 389299 Registered address and the principal place of business: 705, Spyrou Araouzou & Koumantarias, Fayza House, 3036, Limassol, Cyprus
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