Rek'Sai Information
Release date December 11, 2014
Season Preseason 5
Active Yes
Class tagValue
Legacy tagValue
Difficulty 1
Position tagValue
Type Damage Physical
Rek'Sai description
An apex predator, Rek'Sai is a merciless Void-spawn that tunnels beneath the ground to ambush and devour unsuspecting prey. Her insatiable hunger has laid waste to entire regions of the once-great empire of Shurima—merchants, traders, even armed caravans, will go hundreds of miles out of their way to avoid her and her offspring's hunting grounds. All know that once Rek'Sai is seen on the horizon, death from below is all but guaranteed. How to get Rek'Sai
You can either purchase the champion with RP or BE from the shop. When adquiring a champion shard from a chest, you can use it to get a discounted BE price to get the champion.