Bane Information
Release date March 1, 2012
Active No
Primary Attribute Intelligence
Strenght 22
Agility 22
Intelligence 22
Base Movement Speed 305
Starting Armor 4.67
Starting Attack Damage 55
Attack Range 400
Attack Speed 100
Base Health Regeneration 2.45
Bane description
Formed from the ichor of Nyctasha, Atropos is the vaporous embodiment of pure fear. Sheer terror Enfeebles his enemies, diminishing their efficiency on the battlefield. The Bane Elemental puts heroes to sleep, sending them into a restless and contagious Nightmare as he feeds on their vital energies by Sapping their Brains. Some will never wake. Caught in the Fiend's Grip, Bane's victims can only swing at imagined phantoms as fear chokes the life from their bodies.