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Steam Items
Rust Steam Items
Rust Steam Items
Steam Items are items in Rust that can be traded publicly on the Steam Marketplace for real-world money.
Cloth can be combined to craft new clothing items.
$ 0.12
Wood can be combined to craft new skins and items.
$ 0.46
Purple Underwear
Viewer Underwear - Gained from Rust's first Twitch drop. This is an underwear item. Having this item in your Steam Inventory means you'll be able to select this as your players default appearance. If you sell, trade or break this item you will no longer have this ability in game.
High Quality Crate
Boxes contain deployables, such as sleeping bags and crates.
$ 5.21
Mummy Wraps
A set of old mummy wraps repurposed as underwear. This is an underwear item. Having this item in your Steam Inventory means you'll be able to select this as your players default appearance. If you sell, trade or break this item you will no longer have this ability in game.
$ 6.25
High Quality Bag
Bags contain clothes. This is a high quality bag, which means the clothes in this bag are higher quality than in the low quality bag.
$ 11.98
Low Quality Bag
Bags contain clothes. This is a low quality bag - which means the skins contained within are worth less than in other bags.
$ 1.44
Metal can be combined to craft new weapon items.
$ 1.17
The Accident Book
A book about how Garry messed up on the 16th of July 2015 and a bunch of people accidentally got this item.
Trust in Rust 3 Crate
This special crate acquired from a twitch drop during Trust in Rust 3 will yield a random skin.
Weapon Barrel
Barrels contain skins for weapons and tools. Anything that the player holds.
$ 14.85
Coconut Underwear
Two sets of island underwear made form coconuts, leaves, and grass. This is an underwear item. Having this item in your Steam Inventory means you'll be able to select this as your players default appearance. This item will be permanently bound to your steam account.
$ 4.99